Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Re-trigger the Workflow

Using the T.code SWUE you can re-trigger.

Follow the steps to trigger the workflow via Event.
1) Goto the T.code SWUE.
2) Object category = BO BOR Object Type
3) Object Type = Business Object (e.g. BUS2089,..).
4) Object Event = which event you want to trigger (e.g CREATED,..)
5) Click on Object Key button & enter the key field value(s)
6) There is a button 'Event Parametersu2019. Click on that to enter the event parameter values, if any
7) Then you have to click 'Event Receiver' button, and you can see which Workflow is linked to this event
8) Now click on 'Create Event' to trigger the event.
9) Then  Go to SWEL and see the Event.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

BADI using Filters

In BADI's filters give you a chance to call specific implementation based on filter value.Actually it is available whenever you have multiple implementations for one BADI definition.

suppose you created one two BADI implementations for ME_PO_PROCESS_CUST definitions..you check the filter option in SE18 and give on what field you want to do filetr...give that field data element or structure.then automatically all of the methods in your BADI implementation gets one import parameter which is FLT_VALUE.within the code you write for different values different code in both implementations.within the transaction if you give that one of field value that perticular BADI implementation will be triggered.

Suppose if you did implementation1 with filter VBELN...whenever you write the code within methods , you have to give some value for FLT_VAL which is automatically obtianed in your all methods...so you have to pass some value.
if you pass some value like FLT_VAL = '1000090000' in first implementation method with some logic.

If you pass another value in FLT_VAL = '1000090001' of seconmd implementation method with some other logic.

Ok..now if you enter VA03 tcode enter vbeln value...if you enter 1000090000 it trigger the first method..if you enter 1000080001 it triggers the second method based on filter value.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

SAP tables not used frequently

SWD_STEPS -  Workflow and tasks
SW* - For all workflow related tables
SWWWIHEAD - Workflow Runtime: Header Table for All Work Item Types
E071 - Objects in transport request.
TADIR - All Development Objects

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Finding the Routines from routine include name

1. Go to program MV80H200
2. Search for form XD0200_INCLUDE_NAMEN_SETZEN inside the program
3. Copy the first 5 letters from the include name ( eg if the program name is RV56C909, copy RV56C).
4. Search for RV56C inside the code.
5. Go to VOFN and inside class field, put the TRAU and execute.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Creating the SICF service node manually from the webdynpro application name


Execute the program in transaction se38 and give webdynpro application name and give one name for the ICF node.
Once executed, ICF node will be created with the given name.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Program to resolve the proxy error while moving transport request


Execute the above program and give the error transport request as the input and execute.

Thursday, September 25, 2014